Theodore Worozbyt


Half My Age Ago

How many words away from you have I grown?
Each night is another way of saying goodbye.
I close the lid on another sun. You are faint.
I come nearer to the grass beneath which
Your head was laid for the final time
Each time I fail to dream of you. It has been
Years since I dreamt of you. Please forgive me
Grandfather, for addressing you so formally.
Forgive me all the days that parade mutely by
When I do not remember you. Not even,
I admit it, on one I planted this year’s garden.



Theodore Worozbyt’s work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Blinders, Isthmus, Manchester Review, New England Review, Po&sie, The Puritan, Sugar House Review, and Shampoo. He has published two books of poetry, The Dauber Wings (Dream Horse Press, 2006) and Letters of Transit (The University of Massachusetts Press, 2008), which won the 2007 Juniper Prize. A third full length collection, Tuesday Marriage Death, is forthcoming from FutureCycle Press. Impossible Objects appears in the inaugural issue of The Chapbook. His newest chapbook, The City of Leaving and Forgetting, appears in Country Music.