Chris Parsons



I’m taking my time
these days. Letting tired
synapses catch up, feeling
the new connections spread.

I’m happier with slow
timetables; Autumn’s wayward reddening,
the chaos of Spring,
that somehow works out.

I’m watching the clock
mowing these fields. The
long sweep of hands
slowly clearing the decks.

I’m keeping learning. These
stubborn bones, strong with
ancient chalk, will not
bend to another current.



Chris Parsons is a Child Psychologist and writer—his poems appear in Blackmail Press, JAAM, Poetry NZ, Snorkel, Southern Ocean Review, Takahe and The Typewriter. A major clinical interest of his is lifespan development and the phenomena of neuroplasticity: the ability of the brain to alter and repair itself if given therapeutic input.