the digger and the faun
Joe Lynch is that you the untidy
soldier above the eighty six names
of those who didn’t come back you’ve
removed your hat you stare down
the road to where the Kea is embarking
another load of partygoers for the city
Joe Lynch your blue eyes are entirely notional
but he hears the quartermaster’s whistle
and remembers the boats taking them off
under cover of darkness did he set you up
little brother a paid job after the war
before you ran for the Sydney boat
the mad Lynches leaving town together
it wasn’t the first time and maybe
he wanted the face of a returned man
up there on the stone that faces
the harbour you were both on the turps
in King Street by the time they unveiled it
celebrating another adventure with
the art-loving public goatfoot dancer
redheaded slinger of mud and one-liners
Joe Lynch you roaring Dionysian quiet
in bronze above another harbour watching
the ferries plug around the point they said
you jumped off because the Kiandra was slow
and the bottles in your pockets heavy
they said you wanted to get to the party
Joe Lynch is that you digger and faun
watching each other across the dark water
Michele Leggott was the Inaugural New Zealand Poet Laureate 2008–09.
Her most recent publications are northland (Pania Press, 2010),
Mirabile Dictu (Auckland UP, 2009) and a CD of selected poems,
Michele Leggott The Laureate Series (Braeburn/Jayrem 2009). She
coordinates the New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (nzepc) with Brian
Flaherty at the University of Auckland.