Michael Farrell


The x

     complicity, actual his attention, a Shakespeare
  characterize sonnet,
     (of mistress instance, our sonnet,
   a mistress compel
      instance, actual typical his, and our
    mistress characterize mistress William
   addresses attention, Shakespeare
    his uncomfortable gender) our

     complicity, complicity, ways. Shakespeare whatever
     instance, gender) relatively Shakespeare his
    mistress characterize characterize William
  sonnet mistress
     characterize actual Shakespeare a addresses
  a us
      his compel actual us Shakespeare and
  characterize (of
    the (of of relatively

   his the gender)
   (of characterize (of
actual mistress for complicity some Shakespeare
   (of Shakespeare in
     characterize and the ways. mistress
    act (of compel typical
    his in gender) whatever

    the actual uncomfortable our
      actual mistress ways. for whatever his
      in actual his gender) actual mistress
   in complicity actual
      gender) the act William whatever instance,
     mistress actual whatever compel compel
his characterize



Michael Farrell is researching improvisation for an M.A. at Deakin University in Melbourne. ode ode (saltpublishing.com/books/smp/1876857536.htm) was published by Salt in 2003. His email is limecha@hotmail.com. Farrell writes: “‘the x’ was written in Woolloomooloo. It samples a short paragraph—repeatedly: using dice to determine what/how much. Source unknown.”